Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Yesterday They Have Announced:Arun Kamble

Arun Kamble

Yesterday They Have Announced

We were busy smelling the flowers of paradise
They came and they buried our feet in the ground;
The scent of flowers
And built mansions.

When it rained
They sucked up the clear water;
On our buried feet
Rose yet another layer of fresh earth.

In that very earth they grew flowers
Of various kinds, of various hues,
Making various experiments;
And while plucking flowers,
Snicked our feet too,
Knowing unknowingly.

Then they dabbed the same colors
Upon the flowers;
With the same flowers they decked their chariots;
With the same flowers they celebrated their wars.

No rain came for a while;
The chariot too was in jail;
there were at least no shrouds then.
Then they were released:
Their leader
Dug up out tomb with a plough;
Afterwards they settled don
To raise a crop of cactus.

Yesterday they have announced
That they will weed out the cactus,
Yesterday they have announced
That they will free our feet;
Yesterday they have announced
That they will give us a few mouthfuls of water


Translated by Vilas Sarang

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